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Understanding and interpreting graphs - Hodder Education Magazines Skip to main content

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Changing coastal systems A case study of the Dee Estuary


Coastal vegetation surveys


Understanding and interpreting graphs

This Question and Answer focuses on data presented in graph form. Graphs are a common data-stimulus resource across all A-level topics and question styles. You need to be confident in interpreting and responding to graphs in order to maximise your marks. The graphs and questions discussed here are all linked to the theme of globalisation. They are typical of questions used by most exam boards

Table 1 Data-stimulus question command words

Data-stimulus questions usually use specific command words (see Table 1). At A-level the command word ‘describe’ — which means ‘say what you see’ — is not normally used. However, part of any successful answer will be some description because you need to quote data from the graph and refer to the graph continually throughout the answer.

In the exam, the temptation is to start writing your answer as soon as possible, but there are good reasons to pause and look carefully at the graph. Try to do the following before you begin your answer:

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Changing coastal systems A case study of the Dee Estuary


Coastal vegetation surveys